Touch That Dial! How Tenants Can Save Money And Heat Their Home

Touch That Dial! How Tenants Can Save Money And Heat Their Home

November 8, 2022
Fire Doors Safety Week – 5 Steps to Safety 

Fire Doors Safety Week – 5 Steps to Safety 

October 31, 2022
Energy Crisis – Are the Lights About to Go Out?

Energy Crisis – Are the Lights About to Go Out?

October 26, 2022
Abolishing Section 21 – A Positive Step For Housing Reform?

Abolishing Section 21 – A Positive Step For Housing Reform?

October 19, 2022
Inventory Base Wins ESTAS Best in Sector Inventory Services 2022

Inventory Base Wins ESTAS Best in Sector Inventory Services 2022

October 17, 2022
Inventory Base Wins HMO Technology Supplier 2022

Inventory Base Wins HMO Technology Supplier 2022

October 1, 2022
Carbon monoxide detectors: What is the law on replacing expired alarms? (2023)

Carbon monoxide detectors: What is the law on replacing expired alarms? (2023)

October 1, 2022
Landlord Rental Market Statistics – 2022 Report

Landlord Rental Market Statistics – 2022 Report

September 29, 2022
Deposit Disputes – The Cost of Going to Court

Deposit Disputes – The Cost of Going to Court

September 28, 2022
Renting in Winter – 5 Ways To Prepare Your Property

Renting in Winter – 5 Ways To Prepare Your Property

September 26, 2022
EA Masters 2022 | Inventory Base wins Silver  again!

EA Masters 2022 | Inventory Base wins Silver again!

September 23, 2022
Carbon Monoxide Alarms – What Inventory Clerks Need to Know

Carbon Monoxide Alarms – What Inventory Clerks Need to Know

September 18, 2022
HMOs – Should they cater for families? 

HMOs – Should they cater for families? 

August 31, 2022
Tenant Safety – Are insurance claims on the increase?

Tenant Safety – Are insurance claims on the increase?

August 30, 2022
Rent Guarantee Insurance – The Landlord’s Predicament

Rent Guarantee Insurance – The Landlord’s Predicament

August 24, 2022
Renting Beyond Retirement

Renting Beyond Retirement

August 15, 2022
Bricks and Mortar – The True Foundations of Life?

Bricks and Mortar – The True Foundations of Life?

July 29, 2022
Healthy Homes – Will the 11 Guiding Principles Make a Difference? 

Healthy Homes – Will the 11 Guiding Principles Make a Difference? 

July 19, 2022
Section 21 repeal – will the balance of evidence change?

Section 21 repeal – will the balance of evidence change?

July 6, 2022
IR35 – What are the rules on uniform for inventory clerks?

IR35 – What are the rules on uniform for inventory clerks?

June 28, 2022
Landlords – How to prepare for your Inventory

Landlords – How to prepare for your Inventory

June 24, 2022
Monkeypox: What inventory clerks need to know

Monkeypox: What inventory clerks need to know

June 21, 2022
The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 is now in force – 1 December 2022

The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 is now in force – 1 December 2022

June 6, 2022