Having launched our new simplified report editor last month, we’ve had some great feedback and even some tearful eyes due to how muhttps://inventorybase.co.uk/blog/introducing-the-new-simplified-report-editor/ch time and energy we’ve saved people.

But our motto here is Never Stop – so we continued to make it even better of course!

InventoryBase was originally designed for property inventory clerks and letting agents as a way of streamlining the tenancy process by producing and comparing inventory, check in and check out reports. Timely, detailed reports ensure the lettings process is fair for both landlord and tenant by comparing the beginning of the tenancy with the end to produce a comparison report of the condition of the property both inside and out.

We’ve now expanded the scope of what reports InventoryBase can produce, by enabling “Standalone”, one-off inspections with various templates that cater for all types of property reports including Commercial, Hotel & Resort, Multi-family and Property Management companies.

Not only can all property managers use our software to maintain and inspect their properties – they’ll now have a wide variety of options to compile these reports, from detailed descriptions to simple toggles and checklist buttons.

Users will be able to design a range of templates for each type of inspection they do, and are able to completely customise the inspection process for the clerk/inspector:

Detailed: Providing options for adding detailed descriptions and conditions to all items within a property – Perfect for the Inventory & Schedule of Condition, Check In, and Check Out process.

Summary: Providing a light-weight option for detailed reports that skip the description and just provide Item + Condition entry .

Simplified: Providing, by default, a quick Clean/Undamaged/Working assessment to toggle through with optional comments.

Checklist: Providing question-oriented lists for checking off with Yes, No or N/A and optional comments.

Scale: Providing a star-based rating system for calculating property health based on the Good/Fair/Poor approach to inspections.

Talk to the team to discuss how these changes could work for you by calling us on 03333 444 506.

Or try for yourself