We are working in an industry that is going through massive legislative change and, in the main, it’s seen as a positive step certainly in order to safeguard tenants and for many, is long overdue but there is a real risk that as inventory providers we will be left to ‘fend for ourselves’ as letting and estate agents concentrate on their own services coupled with the RoPA consultation on regulating and licensing of ‘their’ industry.

In order to effect change our collective voices need to be heard; not just the large franchise providers but the sole providers and #SME companies who all want to provide a quality service for a fair fee.

I’ve been talking to AIIC and ARLA about this and welcome Phil Keddie’s assurance of inclusion in the consultation process however there needs to be a clear understanding of what, as a service, we want from the process;

  • Do we want regulation?
  • Standardised reports?
  • A fair and transparent fee structure?
  • Recognised and respected as professional inventory providers?
  • Qualifications and procedures?
  • Service Level Agreements (SLA)?
  • Contracts?

There’s a potential opportunity to shape and professionalise our industry and as I was always told; if you want something to change then do something to make it happen.

What do you think?