If so, a recent survey shows your biggest worries are void periods and damage. Fairly obvious I guess.

Interestingly though the study also highlighted the fact that landlords will switch agents if they feel their repairs are not being handled properly.

Landlords seem to have no qualms about switching agents if they feel unsatisfied with the service they provide. This surprises me a little – I thought relationships built up over time might count for something in the equation. If a landlord and agent have worked together for a long time I assumed landlords would have some level of comfort and safety in their agents – but it appears that’s not the case.

I suppose as with all industries, things change. Some agents get better and better while others fail to keep up with the way the market and the world evolves. Winning new landlords with flashy promotional material is one thing but keeping them satisfied is quite another.

At InventoryBase our property inventory software isn’t just about check-ins and check-outs. As landlords want greater care taken over their property during a tenancy agents can use the software to perform any number of interim inspections and check ups.

After the initial check-in report, agents can keep an eye on the standard of the property with subsequent reports. This way damage can be kept to a minimum and more importantly repairs can be scheduled before they become costly jobs.

InventoryBase was always designed to make sure everyone involved in a tenancy was clear on the exact state of a property at all times. So if you’re a landlord make sure your agent is completing regular property inspections – preferably using InventoryBase! – then you can leave your worries behind.

Agents – for a free trial of InventoryBase – click here.