Carbon Monoxide Alarms – What Inventory Clerks Need to Know

Carbon Monoxide Alarms – What Inventory Clerks Need to Know

September 18, 2022
Section 21 repeal – will the balance of evidence change?

Section 21 repeal – will the balance of evidence change?

July 6, 2022
IR35 – What are the rules on uniform for inventory clerks?

IR35 – What are the rules on uniform for inventory clerks?

June 28, 2022
Monkeypox: What inventory clerks need to know

Monkeypox: What inventory clerks need to know

June 21, 2022
Are Property Reports a Service Business?

Are Property Reports a Service Business?

May 27, 2022
Disability and property reports – What should clerks know?

Disability and property reports – What should clerks know?

April 22, 2022
Clerks! Don’t stay in your lane – Diversify your services 

Clerks! Don’t stay in your lane – Diversify your services 

March 18, 2022
Photographs -The importance of visual evidence

Photographs -The importance of visual evidence

February 15, 2022
Self-employed Clerks – Understanding IR35

Self-employed Clerks – Understanding IR35

January 12, 2022
The Value of Service: How to Manage a Disgruntled Customer

The Value of Service: How to Manage a Disgruntled Customer

December 21, 2021
ADR – Preventing disputes the old-fashioned way

ADR – Preventing disputes the old-fashioned way

December 13, 2021
Crocs and Crops – What NOT to wear to a property visit

Crocs and Crops – What NOT to wear to a property visit

November 18, 2021
How to handle late-paying clients

How to handle late-paying clients

October 19, 2021
Is the Private Rental Sector ready for a COVID Winter?

Is the Private Rental Sector ready for a COVID Winter?

October 13, 2021
Inventory Clerks – Do you know your property report market?

Inventory Clerks – Do you know your property report market?

September 3, 2021
Inventory Clerk Self Development – 5 skills every inventory provider should have in their tool kit

Inventory Clerk Self Development – 5 skills every inventory provider should have in their tool kit

September 1, 2021
The Importance of Inventory Report Training – How Does it Support the Lettings Industry?

The Importance of Inventory Report Training – How Does it Support the Lettings Industry?

August 7, 2021
Is pet odour making rental properties ”Eau de No Let’?

Is pet odour making rental properties ”Eau de No Let’?

June 1, 2021
Protecting the Deposit – Why tenants should insist on an inventory report

Protecting the Deposit – Why tenants should insist on an inventory report

May 20, 2021
The Importance of Inventory Reports – Should Price Trump Quality?

The Importance of Inventory Reports – Should Price Trump Quality?

March 17, 2021
Apportioning Liability – Not my job!

Apportioning Liability – Not my job!

February 5, 2021
Why Detailed Property Inventory Reports Matter

Why Detailed Property Inventory Reports Matter

February 4, 2021
Are Inventory Clerks safe working in properties?

Are Inventory Clerks safe working in properties?

January 7, 2021